Friday, March 29, 2019



RAA(The Regional Academic Authority,Aurangabad) and RMSA(Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan)Subsumed into Samagra Shiksha. Through this the Government of Maharashtra has been launched a superb project is called CHESS. It is fruitful and substantial step taken by the government of Maharashtra.
  Before CHESS,                                        , pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 CHESS is really one of the best project in teaching and learning process for English language teachers. Before CHESS the classes were teacher oriented. Teacher was just only the source of information for learners. He was playing the role of dictator. There was quite silence in the class. Teacher was only the parrot and learners were silent listeners. There was very less room or space for learners to express. Learners were getting passive due to this  there was frightening situation among learners. Actually language is a part of practice that was nothing happen in the school. Because of this one way communication there was no excitement among learners. There were very less in number opportunities for learners to participate in activities, to work together in group, to exchange ideas.
   There were no warming up activities in the class, no touch to their previous knowledge. He was just reading out what was there in the text and was just focusing on the assignments which were given below the text and what were students  doing?
   They were just copying it from guide and from somewhere else. Nothing was happened beyond that. Teacher was also not going beyond text. Text book was only a reliable source for him or her so his or her ideas were freezed. There were no project work even students didn't know the meaning and steps of project. No one was taking efforts to expand the ideas of learners because of this there was no excitement and spirit among learners to learn. Both inferior and superior complexes were there among learners and teachers. Due to those complexes help was not taken. There was very rare communication regarding sharing ideas between English language teachers. There were much more misconception among them.
     Before CHESS teachers were mostly focusing on Grammar and rules etc.Not on using the language. He was just the machine of pointing out mistakes of grammar. He was not providing room for language.
    Before CHESS teacher's focus was especially to English subject not on English language it means Focus was on  Knowing a language but not on Knowing about language. One more important thing is that teaching method because of this there was monotonous situation in the class., pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Before CHESS,there was zero percent use of technology in the class and at some places, it was rarely used. Teacher himself was illiterate of it. So how can he dare to cope with it. So both Teachers and students were far away from using technology in teaching and learning process even in the 21st century. Learners were not creative but copy maker and only exam oriented because there was no opportunity,no room for their creativity. There was only focus on recitement and memorization. Teacher was just inculcating knowledge. Spoon-feeding was going on.
    Before CHESS, there was no chain among teachers as well as no communication and ideas sharing programme among teachers. It was very terrible situation before chess project. God knows whether it was right or wrong. But according to me, it's really dreadful because in the old classes, only teacher was active and learners were receptive.
     After CHESS,
       Now classes are playing different colourful roles. CHESS realizes me a quotation made by the former prime minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Once he says, " India's future lies in the class."
          It is really true because Teachers are the nation builders. Nation's future is in the hands of teachers. If they are not doing well in the class you can't think what will happen of that nation. Some one said that if you want to destroy any nation on the planet, you needn't  fight war just spoil the education system then the deterioration will  immediately. So think, how important education is !
          Sitting on any katta, we people talk boastfully that he becomes IAS, she becomes Scientist and this and that but because of whom? We people forget the past easily that's wrong. Because of whom  the transformation is taking place that credit directly goes to only teacher and nobody else.
          CHESS  is doing well for English language teachers throughout Maharashtra. Due to this project many changes have been taking place at  the secondary especially for English language Teachers. Today,teachers role have been changed. Teacher shifted from the role of dictator to a facilitator, friend, mentor, guide etc. Today teachers are using technology in teaching and learning process. He conducts various activities in the class like group work , discussion, debate, pair work,project work as well as conducts various language games and word games in the class.

    Today, teachers are using various mobile apps to create online test eg. Testmoz, Kahoot as well as Google classroom etc. Many teachers are doing action research to deal with problems and find out facts. Many teachers are writing blogs. They are using ZOOM app  SKYPE to conduct online lecture in their classes. Teacher conducts Zoom meetings with other school teachers as well as  students, teachers are preparing their Facebook live lectures. Many are doing MOOC courses. Many teachers are making their own videos on syllabus by using the apps like Kinemaster as well as Video maker etc. Many teachers are running their own YouTube channel.

         Teachers have made WhatsApp groups to send online test link and keep learners engaged after school too. Today, all teachers of each  blocks come together and discuss classroom activities, classroom problems, lesson planning as well as sharing each other's ideas to implement in their classes etc.
           Teachers are enthusiastically participate in the District level, State level Symposium and present their Paper and poster presentation. Participate in the Talk Show programme etc.    

Teacher replaced the grammar translation method to modern methods. In the 21st century, we teachers are moulding the characters of our learners to face the challenges of 21st c. and make them global learners. Because of this spirit,learners are also very excited to learn so the dropout rate has been decreased. Today , classes are noisy because students are active and teachers are just playing the role of instructors. Students are using smartphones to search information and keep them up-to-date., pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 All these changes have been made by CHESS project. This tremendous change is really praiseworthy and noteworthy among teachers as well as learners.


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