Monday, February 27, 2023

Parts of Speech

Words are divided according to their positions and usages in a sentence.this is called parts of speech.There're 8 parts of speech in English.

  • NOUN
  • VERB

NOUN: A name given to person,place,thing,bird and animal is called noun.

eg. Milton, Mumbai, Book, Tiger etc.


PRONOUN:A pronoun is a word which is used instead of noun.

eg. Sanjana studies in std. X.She is very clever.

here in the above sentence 'She' is a pronoun, used in place of noun 'Sanjana'


VERB:A word which indicate action is called Verb.

eg.He reads a book.

here action of reading is indicated by the word 'read'

read, write, play, run, play etc.


ADJECTIVE: A word which gives more information about 'noun' is called an Adjective.

eg. Radha is a beautiful girl.

here the word 'beautiful' add more information about noun 'Radha'


ADVERB:An adverb is a word that modifies a Verb, an Adjective and another Adverb. 

eg. She sums quickly (here an adverb 'quickly' modifies the verb 'sums')

     He is very clever boy. (here an adverb 'very' modifies an adjective 'clever')

     John speaks quite fluently. (here an adverb 'quite' modifies another adverb 'fluently')


PREPOSITION: Preposition is a word which is used with noun and pronoun to show their relation with something else.

eg. The book is on the table. (here preposition 'on' shows relation of noun 'the book' with 'table'


CONJUNCTION: Conjunctions are used to join two words,sentences or clauses.

eg. Rama and Shyam are friends. (  here Rama and Shyam are joined by conjunction 'and')


INTERJECTION: It is used to express sudden feelings or emotions.

eg. Hurrah! we won the match.

      Alas! she is dead.

1 comment:

Babasaheb Pokharkar said...

So useful to the students.. Go ahead.