Saturday, April 14, 2018

9/11 and 26/11

Alvin Toffler said, "The illiterate of 21st c.will not be those who cannot read and write,but those  
 who cannot learn , unlearn and relearn."

In the 21st century,the first thing is ,our approach and trends should be positive towards learning. To learn something new, have to create atmosphere in the society.  The second retardation in the way of learning is bad habits that we have to quit. The third thing is, we must learn again and again because learning is continuous process. while learning again and again we must notice changes.
If you want to demolish any nation on this planet, no need to fight the war. Just spoil the education system of the nation. As you spoiled the system,the youth of the nation will take weapons in hands instead of books and pens. The best example of Hitler, a dictator of Nazi, who wanted to be a dictator of Germany.He was a good orator but he used his philosophy in wrong manner. Due to his provocative speeches against Jew, distracted the young generation against Jews people.He had inculcated in their Minds that only because of Jews, Germany lost the first would war. The youth became the victim of his provocative ideology. Youth thrown the Jewish literature on the road that they had been studying in the library and killed many innocent people and kids too.

The consequences and end of bad system and ideology would be bad and unfortunate. The same thing is going on in country Pakistan. Many leaders who are inciting the youth of Islam against Christian and Hindu religions and distracting them from education.they make them ready to die for their own purpose not for nation. The true examples are the attacks of 9/11 on the World Trade Center and 26/11 on Mumbai. I was thinking that why do the youth of Pakistan is getting victim of such system? answer is very simple. That system has deliberately been created unemployment, weak education system corrupted society,i illiteracy etc. 
The youth of Pakistan should learn the consequences of Hitler's end. Because illiteracy compel you to tolerate and don't raise voice on the contrary,literacy teach you to raise voice against injustice and inequality and bad violent ideology or system. Literate people know the consequences. Country like Pakistan need authentic true education to make the world happy and peaceful. They should learn through History  that Virtues are awarded and vices are always punished.

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