Showing posts with label 21st. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 21st. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

21st Century Teacher

Once I asked my five years old son what do you want to be in your life?
My son answered, I want to be a teacher.
Then I asked, Why?
He replied to me, because teacher has no more hard work. It is very relax job.
I was shocked.
Then I asked him, how does  your teacher teach you?
He said that they only write on the block board and tells us to read and write. Gives us homework and nothing else.
Then I thought over it that
Is  it a 21st century education?
No it can't and never never and never.
  Today we are in the 21st century. We can't rut the old education and old methods in our class because our education system has been changed.
 Here I would like to ask a question
What do we expect from waiter when we go in a hotel?
Why do we go in a particular hotel every time?

Reasons are very simple.
 Because we expect good service from waiter. cleanliness, good, healthy and tasty food and most important thing is good service and hospitality Force us to go to particular hotel.
  Our school is also like a hotel. .                           Why do learners come to our school? 

Because they also expect the same things as we expect from waiters and hotel owners.
      In today's class we have to transform ourselves as a 21st century teacher because we are nation builders.
    Today oue learners are not depend on us only because we are not only a sole of information for them. They know There are many sources of information for them because today's learners are using internet, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. So why do we Force them to learn under old type of methods.
     Today teachers have many challenges to deal with 21st century learners because there is a huge gap between teachers and learners. Todays learners are using technology easily and he is interested in learning with technology but teachers are not looking at technology in positive way. They still thinking that learners are not learning properly with technology. But here I would like to share my own experience with you that is
Once a woman came in to school to see the progress report of her son who is learning in the 9th class. She is an asst.professor in senior college. I was just talking with her in case of her son's progress. His progress was good in language. That time that lady said that sir my son not only  speak Englis fluently but Spanish also. I was shocked because my school is Marathi and semi- English school then how is it possible? Where does he learn Spanish? I asked
 She said on YouTube.
That time I realized that how useful technology is! So today sky is limit to our learners only because of technology. Today they are free to learn anything whatever they want. They have many sources available.
   They need our help only as a facilitator or as a guide. Students can learn. We just keep in mind they are not depend on us on the contrary they are independent to access knowledge from anywhere. We just motivate them and realize them what is right and what is wrong? Nothing else.
     Our challenge is how to develop their 21st century skills of critical mind , creativity, collaboration , communication and leadership

 We have to make them flexible and develop their tolerance power to face the challenges of 21st century. As a teacher we have to think about  4C skills of the century which are mentioned above. We teachers have to conduct such activities in our class that our learners can easily achieve the above skills to be a successful 21st century person.
   We teachers should look at our profession as a pure, honest and sincere service to create an ideal nation not as a glamour.
 Politics and education field  both have too much similarities. Both have same objectives to provide good and sound service to the people of nation but in both fields, people are looking at these as a glamour. Teaching is is a challenging  job today. To make them 21st century learners, we have to conduct many activities in our class. We shift from teacher centred to student centred. We have to keep ourselves up-to-date with the world. Use of technology is obligatory is really helpful today for teachers. We teachers have to create learning atmosphere everywhere,it means english ecosystem. For this purpose we should provide space for collaborative learning. We should acquaint learners with live and practical work. We should create problems for them to develop their creative mind so  let them linger always in that problems to find solutions. Don't provide them ready made answer instead of that just instruct them how to do?and what to do?

In the 21st century we have to make them critical minded learners to distinguish what is right and wrong because they have lots of options in front of them to choose. If they are unable to select and decided then it is our failure as a teacher. It is the failure of our education system. If we are unable to deal with any task then we seek the help of other teachers.
I know we are taking lot of efforts in our classes but in old ways so we don't get results from learners. We have to change our methods and our attitude in the 21st century.
Always keep in mind education is not a glamour but a service to build an ideal nation.