Hello friends, today I am going to discuss with you about "communication" which is very significant part in those days. There are so much misunderstanding because of bad communication.
Friends Communication and Education both these concepts are interdependent and interrelated.
"Communication develops through Education and Education develops through Communication."
I went through many definitions of education but I like only two. First is of Swami Vivekanad and second is of Mahatma Gandhiji.
Swami Vivekananda says that education is the manifestation towards perfection which is already within man.
According to him, everything is already existed within us, we have to just realize it and that everything we realize within us only through meditations. Because meditations give us positive power.
I would like to link this definition with undeveloped students in our classes. What we have to do here see, I think, first of all we should realize our learners or aware them with their power , acquaint them to their potential to overcome their weaknesses. When we would try to acquaint them with their potential that time we should follow this method of communication which will be very fruitful to develop our young minds.
Friends, communication is the best way to change the world. When you communicate with others in loving and candid manner that time the listeners will listen to you attentively. Always keep in mind your good communication would change the life of your learners. Never use obscene or indecent language in the class to your learners. I heard many times, teachers use such language eg. You can't do this and that.
It is not your job.
You are stupid.
You are very slow or dull.
What do you think of this language?
Do you think such language can inspire or motivate our learners?
Answer is no never.
Instead of building their character, we spoil it. Such bad communication spoil the atmosphere in the class as well as psychological state of learners.
The reverse impact of this bad communication is that they think on your bad remarks or words you used for them instead of concentrating on lecture.
Your good and Frank communication encourage, inspire and motivate our learners and they start focusing on learning.
Your good communication help you to find spark among your learners. Once you find the spark, it will be comfortable to spur them to build the ladder of their careers.
Good communication would build the strong trust between learners and teachers. See friends I would like to show you one important magic which is realistic. See both words "Learners and Teachers"
These two words have same letters. They learn under the same roof therefore they should trust and respect to eachother.
So, if you are unable to communicate candidly with your learners, it means you don't trust and respect your learners.
Good communication directly touch their education and experience which is already existed inside them. It keeps the healthy and sound atmosphere in the class.
Then the next definition comes that is of Mahatma Gandhiji. He says, what is education?
"Education which makes the character."
I think the guarantee of character of our learners is possible only through education. So the root of education is based on COMMUNICATION.
What do you think?