Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Post Covid 19 Children's Mentality


                      I would like to share with you a very sensitive issue of children after covid 19. As a teacher, I am very worried about it. Our schools were closed around one year so students were completely out of track during this period. they forgot everything, even they are unable to read and write. so think friends, how challenging is it!
                      Today our schools are opened and again we are entangled in the same process to complete the syllabus. All teachers are playing the same race to complete the syllabus. But the important questions are, 

                           What's about children's basic skills, knowledge and concepts?

                                         Who is responsible for this?

                            Who is going to fulfill their basic ideas again?
                      Actually I am very worried that all teachers are just talking about, we've very little bit time in our hand and within this short period of time, we've to finish our syllabus. System is also compel us to finish the prescribed syllabus as soon as possible. I think wherein no reality and it seems completely unprincipled to me. As a good teacher, we have to ponder over it to enrich the basic skills of our young minds. 
                      now students are completely far away from their study and all learning materials. we've to again engage them and involve them in the process of learning.




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