Today I am going to tell about the most important technology that fascinated me a lot. In those days science is climbing the ladder of success higher and higher. Hundred years before we were unknown about flying but today we travel from one country to another, one planet to another. In the past a computer was very big and large but today it is portable. We can carry it anywhere with us. We hadn't been thinking about such transformation. It's impossible but becomes possible only because of science and technology.
But I would like you to make realized that there is nothing impossible to science. Science always thinks that whatever is impossible today, it will be possible tomorrow. Suppose , just imagine our brain is used as a computer, what will happen?
First of all we can store our brain data in hard drive. It means brain can be copied and stored for safety. In future there will be a microchip in our brain and with the help of that chip our brain will be connected to internet and it will be used as a computer. It is possible because our brain is functioning like electronic pulse. This system will be wireless due to microchip. In this system,we need not to talk. eg. Suppose you want to speak to someone, you can convey it easily by connecting to other person by wireless system and transfer same data to other brain.
It's also called TELEPATHY. Imagine person who are blind, dumb and deaf can take advantage of it on large scales. eg. a person who is blind, can see the beauty of the world by connecting camera to the microchip as well as connecting microphone can listen to the people and connecting speaker can speak with others.
When this technology will come in to practice,there won't be any necessity of speaking because on can chat with others with the help of TELEPATHY.
When you will be a victim of accident and unfortunately lost your memory though no problem because you can upload again stored data to get recovery of brain. Our school and college will be closed when telepathy will come in reality because whatever you want to learn,you can copy it from other and paste it in you brain and learn easily. One more important thing, you can upload your brain data to the robot's brain. Then the robot will think and behave like you, means the robot will become a clone copy of your. After you, your brain will be alive in the robot to see the beauty of the world.
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