Monday, April 2, 2018


   Today we see around us,everybody is busy in his or her own Mobile phone playing games,musics, watching movies,videos etc. Because of all companies are providing us in those days 1.5GB. data to users per day.
    This 1.5GB data per day is distracting the users especially from India. This data make them forget the unemployment in our country. It becomes a solace of the youth.They are spending plenty of time using Internet despite of future care.
    Per day 1.5GB data is alluring the youth of India and it is becoming the biggest obstacle in their career. They have no time to talk and listen with others. They are getting idle day by day. They prefer to live in isolation and lonely lifestyle.

  What a menace it is!
 We social animal again becoming asocial. We people are again getting away from society to lead lonely , isolated lifestyle.
 Our youth should use time to search and read and assimilate whatever is knowledgeable on internet to enhance quality instead of wasting time on social media.
Hello Youth,
It is time to get up ,set and go. Competition!!!

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