Sunday, July 8, 2018

A Review Walk a little slower...

      The poet of this poem is anonymous. But I like this poem very much. Want to thank that unknown poet. The poem is very short and in very simple language but very meaningful.
       It is  applicable to the present era because in those days we see around,each and every parents are very busy and rush in their day to day life to earn material wealth. Parents are forgotten their real wealth means their children. They also forgot that they have to live as a role model for their own children. Because each child consider his parents as his own role model. Each child first of all imitate his parents.

          Each child wants

 to be like his Father hence, all children follow the foot steps of their Father.they want to lead life like their father. Because the world is unknown to the child.only parents are very familiar to him so child always follows his Father because every  child wants to read and understand the world through his father. During childhood curiosity would be very strong. so each child learns the world in his Father. So the child follows his father as a role model. But on the contrary in those days father's life is very rush and fast. He has no time to his child. That child wants to hear the night stories from his father. He has many stupid questions for his father but his father has no time. In those days each father has been forgotten that he has to owe something to his child except Money and other material things, On the contrary each child expect emotional attachment in the family that has been gone far away somewhere.
        Because of hectic schedule of his Father, child is unable to learn from him. So child says walk little slower. Because of his fast steps child gets confused to find. He doesn't want to be confused because each child wants to be a good person and good father in future of someone else. Therefore each father should understand the requirements of his child and try to behave like a good father and be a role model for your children. Because your child does not  want to lead wrong path in future. He expects your guidance and emotional attachment and support.