Saturday, July 21, 2018


Actually, it's very heart touching poem which is translated from Marathi into English. While reviewing this poem I remembered a very significant quotes.
                       "Great minds discuss ideas,
                          Middle minds discuss events and 
                          Average minds discuss people"

The boy who speaks through this poem is of great minds because great minds always tried to solve the problems of the society. The boy directly addresses to the Moon. O Moon
In this line, there is a figure of speech which is
APOSTROPHE because the boy directly addressed to the Moon which is non-living or dead thing. He demands Moonlight from the Moon. He not only wants its light but also wishes for some seeds which he wants to sow on the both sides of the road which leads from the city to his village.
      The question is, why does the boy want to do this? What is his intention behind this?
     Because the whole village goes to the city daily to do some work to earn for their daily lives. Amongst them his father is also goes daily to the city. The road they lead daily which is very tough and full of snakes, scorpions and full of stones and thorns. The road had many patches. So they can't walk fast on it. They had to walk slowly and cautiously on it. It was very time consuming to reach to the home.

      It was regular problem of the villagers so they were getting late home. Because of their delay there was no communication between father and the child. The boy was very excited to hear bed time stories from his father but not.
He wanted to chat and see his father but in vain.
     Because of the worst condition of the road they were getting late daily. There was neither bus nor any cart. The distance between the city and the village was to much. The boy was waiting for his dear father til late in night but in vain. When his father returns home that time the boy would be in deep sleep and in the morning when the boy gets up that time his father would have been departed early in the morning.                                                           Such true realistic picture portrayed by the poet throughout this poem which describes real conditions of worker's and labour's life in India. Poet's has used very beautiful images in the poem which are very suitable like snakes and scorpions.
      The figures of speech like ALLITERATION, REPETITION are used to enhance the quality of the poem.
       Language used in the poem is very simple and easy to comprehend. Through this poem the poet has thrown light on the life of  poor working class in the countryside of India.
        The boy wants to solve the problem by sowing the seeds of Moonlight on the both sides of the road to reduce the sorrow, pains, troubles of his father means of the whole villagers and wants to make them calm and peaceful in the cool light of the Moon.

1 comment:


hi sir very n8ce i really like it