Friday, August 24, 2018

Grief and Condolence


 Grief means intense sorrow which is caused by someone's death to whom our bond of love and affection,attachment was formed.
             We sink in grief when we lose something or someone loving , valuable and precious in our life. But actually I think we all living beings are temporary on this planet earth.we have particular lifespan to stay on the planet earth. It is certain after that we have to leave the earth immediately because we are just a puppet in the hand of someone else that is nothing but superpower in the nature.
        That power has a perfect watch on each and everything. No one can escape from its watch. I think we should not lament after losing someone or something because we came in this world with bare handed. Why should we lament for someone? It was just a friendship for uncertain period  this we should keep in mind.
      Knowledgeable people never grieve for loss in their life. They grieve for short periods of time because ultimately we have feelings. After that they engage themselves in their duty or goal of their life to welfare the society. But common people lament for long period of time.
Knowledgeable people always think that
                         Grief never ends
                         but it changes
                         It is a passage
                         not a house to stay
                         Grief is a price of Love
                         That have to tolerate.
eg. Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, Albert Einstein these people never turn back and mourn over their past when their family members passed away one by one because they knew their mission. One of the recent example of an epitome of Courage Late Dr. Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest scientist of the this century. In spite of suffering from a very rare and dreadful disease,he continued his research.
          It is just a philosophy. It is better to say and hear.
But what's about someone with whom we had spent some years, lived together, ate together, shared secrets,laughed and played together and left us within minutes. It's unbelievable and intolerable for people like us.
          But I request all my friends not to lament for those  who are not between us today because just think they are somewhere else.
Grief affects our whole body. It affects our appetite,digestion system, it also increases our heartbeats and respiration etc. It also makes our unnecessary muscles exertions. It also affects our sleep.
     Grief affects our psychological and cognitive changes like memory loss, confusion and oblivion.     So don't spoil your precious life for those who never come back.
         I would like to share one important grief story with you. Once there was a young, beautiful and charming girl called Mathilde. By an error of fate she was born in poor family. She hadn't well expensive dresses and ornaments to wear like other girls although she was happy with her parents because she was dreaming to be married in a aristocrat family. Unfortunately that's not happened because of her father's  poverty. She marry with a simple middle class man. She was dreaming well furnished house, good expensive dresses and ornaments etc.but she couldn't.
          Once her husband came home with invitation card in his hand. He gave it to Mathilde. He was very happy because it was the first time he was taking his beautiful wife to the party. But Mathilde wasn't ready to go to party because she thought she had no good dress to wear and no any ornaments to attend the party. Somehow she purchase good dress from her husband but in case of ornaments she went to her friend's house to borrow ornaments. Her friend gave her a necklace. Mathilde goes to the party with her husband. In that party she was looking beautiful than all other women. When she returned home that time she came to know that her  borrowed diamond necklace has been lost somewhere. She started crying
          Her husband was also very shocked because it was diamond necklace. Both were thinking how to return it. They tried to search everywhere but couldn't get it. So they went in jewelry shop to purchase the same one. They did by borrowing money from moneylenders. Purchase the same diamond necklace and return it to her friend. She incurred that grief and she started living distress , worried , nervous life. They have to suffer for ten years to pay the debt. During that period she lost her beauty and youth and she started  looking aged, old and lost her beauty. She started grieving for the loss. Mathilde herself was responsible to incur that grief upon herself. It was her greediness that compel her to do this meaningless thing in her life.
        So dear friends live happy and contented life and never lose your temper. To live happy life our fitness is very important. Both fitness mental and physical. To get out yourself from grief YOGA
is a perfect solution. Perform yoga daily to enjoy Happy and Healthy life. In those days we are leading very hectic life which affects our health.
So be patient cause we carry nothing with us while leaving this world except our psychology and thoughts.
         I hope you will get relief reading this common thoughts

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