Saturday, November 30, 2019

Helter skelter Children

Hello friends,
        Toda I want to discuss with you about very crucial issue which is related to our day today life.
I heard that we (teachers) are playing a role of nation builder. It's very important role to develop any nation on this planet Earth. Because the development and progress of any nation are based on education. But when we peep into our classrooms and when we seriously observe our students that time the picture seems opposite for what we have imagined about them., pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0Today our parents are providing each thing to his/her ward without any seriousness of that particular thing. Parents seem more excited than their children and they are very happy because they consider themselves as a good caretaker. Actually it's a part ignorance. If you are behaving in this manner with your child and treating him or her lightly and without any seriousness,it will be very dangerous in future.
       Our loving parents provide each thing to their children but don't take follow up. Suppose here we should take an example of Smartphone mobile.
Parents give mobile to their children and after that  they never check their mobile phone to see whether they use it properly or not or what does he or she do in the mobile? How does he or she use it ? It's happening only because of the ignorance of parents in case of mobile. When children realize that our parents are unknown about the usage of mobile phone, they get opportunities to do any thing in it. It means parents themselves pave the way to their children to behave in wrong manner.
       Another stupid mistake of parents, both husband and wife are looking for job to earn money to run their family in proper way and to meet the needs in their lives. They have no time to pay attention to their children and have no time to communicate with them properly. Here, parents must keep in mind that your children expect your company and your soft friendly words not money. Money is not the medium of happy and noble family only good communication and loving company and parent's friendship is the base of civilised family., pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0Many parents have no time to visit the school of their children. I am a teacher. I phone parents and request them to come to school to see the progress of ward but they have no time. What a tragedy!  Once I asked a guardian why don't you come to school to see your Ward's teacher and his progress? His reply was shocking to me.
He replied sir I've no time. It is his ( his ward ) duty   what to do ?and what not to do?
One more ridiculous thing he mentioned " I am working hard for their future." I am doing my job." Now, it's their part to study hard. How to deal with such parents? 
         I think our parents couldn't understand the duty and how to play the role of a good father? They forget the role as a good father while collecting assets. But they forgot that their children are suffering from bad addictions like bad company, mobile, smoking, porn sites, chatting on Facebook and Whatsapp rather than study. To notice these bad signs in their children, they've no time. Some parents, knowing all these things, ignore. Some pictures are out of our imagination and control. Really heart breaking.
            Our parents take reverse action. When his ward enter into the 10th std. that time parents turn off TV. and take out mobile phone from children.
What do you think?
Do you think is it a right step?, pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0Parents should spend much time with their children, understand them and their are many questions in their mind so try to answer that questions though that are stupid to you. Never ignore to answer their questions. If you ignore it, your image will spoil automatically. Because they want to know the world through you otherwise they will definitely fall in the bad company. Give time to them and communicate  softly to lead happy life and avoid repentance. Try to be the best friend for your child.

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