Monday, February 27, 2023



                                                 NOUN GENDER


Living beings are of either the male or the female sex.

noun gender has four types:

  1. Masculine Gender
  2. Feminine Gender
  3. Common Gender
  4. Neuter Gender

MASCULINE Gender: A noun that denotes a male sex or animal is called Masculine gender.

eg. king, boy, bull, man, husband, dog etc.


FEMININE Gender: A noun that denotes a female sex or animal is called Feminine gender.

eg. queen, girl, cow, woman, wife, bitch etc.


COMMON Gender: A noun that denotes either a male or a female is called Common gender.

eg. parent, child, friend, baby, enemy, thief, student etc.

(here we can't judge whether it's male or female.)


NEUTER Gender: A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female means things without life is called Neuter gender.

eg. book, pen, tree, table  etc.



Write feminine gender of 

  1. cock
  2. author
  3. nephew
  4. son
  5. sir
  6. actor
  7. poet
  8. host
  9. fox
  10. hunter