Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Attitude and Involvement

       Teacher's attitude and his involvement in the class play important role to develop his learners. If he/she wants to mould the characters of his learners,he has to involve among them to recognize their levels, problems and weaknesses.
       The second thing is that Teacher's attitude. The number position of letters in the word 'Attitude' is very funny one. The addition of all these letters is 100. It means that Teacher's attitude must be 100percent positive towards his learners because teacher's job is to transform the world. Therefore his /her attitude and Involvement in his class is very important issue.
        The recent example is Andrea Zafirakou, The Global prize winner , what a astounding job she has done which is noteworthy to all teachers in the world.
         Teacher's have been playing important role in case of transforming the world. He is the only person in the world after parents who can bring changes among young minds in case of behaviour and thinking power. Teacher who makes them able to read,write,speak and understand the world.
           Teacher is only person in the world who makes the world beautiful because who spreads the message of humanity among young generation. He always tries to spur the hidden qualities of his learners and makes them able to stand  in world and makes them realize their potentials and abilities to lead in life. He makes them able to think positively and tells them to involve in the activities.
            Any nation can be powerful,strong in the world only because of Teacher. He makes them civilized learners and establish an humble , rational society
            According to me, teacher is one of the angel  sent by God on the beautiful planet Earth.

         Thanking you,


kumarpalve said...

Very nice

Unknown said...

Exactly sadgir sir, teacher is the second one who brings out the expected changes in learners by creating healthy atmosphere to learn new things

Unknown said...

I like it sir.its memorable .nice blog sir keep it up...