Thursday, March 22, 2018

To Develop Classroom Teaching

To Develop Classroom Teaching

    Once Pandit Nehru said that India future lies in the class. It is true because Education is one of the way to develop the characters of new generations.
To mould their characters Teachers have to improve their classroom teaching., pub-5101160012738768, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0In case of Indian context,teacher has to face many problems. e.g. here Teacher has to face large classes as well as he or she has less training opportunities although they overcome such problems and try to do the
best in the class.

Teacher should do before going to the class.

 1)Read the text that he/she wants to teach and understand the themes and objectives of the text.
  2) Before starting lesson he/she tries to participate the whole class and test learners previous knowledge and level of the learners.
 3)Plan warm up activities as per text.
 4) Whatever objectives he/she has set , it should be clear and achievable.
 5) Conduct group and individual activities in the class.
 6) There should be both sides interaction (S-T and T-S)
 7)Use book as a tool or supplement instead of that use some extra resources e.g. computer lab. , Laptop to acquaint them with live things as well as charts,board,newspaper,realia, magazine etc. for vocabulary practice.
 8) Conduct textbook reading activity.
 9) Divide class in small-small group  and distribute questions.
 8)Be ready with well preparation before going to the class.
 9)Ask your friends to observe your lecture for right feedback.
 10) Ponder over feedback and aware of it.
 11) Always discuss with your Co-teachers, friend, to develop professionally.

I would like to say,stay one step ahead of your learn.

I hope it will be helpful to all teachers.

Thanking you,

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